Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weddings The Bridal Show

Hello everyone! This is my first blog and I am so very excited! I have been putting this off for awhile but now that I have a few minutes of free time on my hands I am ready!

First things first... Weddings The Bridal Show was this past weekend and it was a huge success! I loved meeting with all of you brides and discussing your upcoming weddings!

Don't forget... you receive $150 off your wedding package with the card that you received from my booth at the wedding show. Speaking of my booth, here is a picture of it! (Ok, so I know the photo isn't that great but my husband brought the family Kodak camera instead of one of my cameras :)

Also, do not forget that the Perfect Wedding Guide bridal show is coming up on Feb 15th at the Frist Center. I will be there so make sure you stop by to say hi!

Well, that is all I have for now. Stay tuned though, I will be posting some of my favorite pics from a wedding that I recently shot.



  1. loved your booth shanna! the red couch, red shirt and fab new hairstyle rocked!

  2. I loved your booth! You were ot there when I stopped by before the show started and I did not get back in time to see you again. I hope all went well for you.

  3. Look at what you've done! You're incredible!
